Thus, is it welcome news that the ministry for a start, is looking at the possibility of doing away with the annual renewal of licenses of the country’s over regulated media. Therefore Malaysians will have more transparency in their information.
Just a highlight of recent incident regarding media licensing.
- Makkal Osai loses license.
- The Home Ministry has rejected an application for renewal of the publishing license of Tamil daily, Makkal Osai.
- License has been restored, thanks to readers and media colleagues supports.
Last year, the Tamil Daily reportedly published on its front page this picture of Jesus with a cigarette in one hand and a beer can in another, captioned “if a person repents of his mistakes, then heaven awaits him.” Well, the Home Minister did not state any reason for not renewing the license but I personally think this might be one of the reasons.
Sat - Towards an Ethical Media forum
Sun - Media Law Reform forum
Who? World Press Freedom Day by the Centre for Independent Journalism
When? May 3 + 4, 12.30-2.00pm
Where? The Annexe @ Central Market, Jalan Hang Kasturi Kuala Lumpur
Why? in conjunction with the World Press Freedom Day and Art for Grabs - Now Everyone Can Afford Art!
How? by offering you more than you can grab, with arty delights filling up two whole galleries, the loft and both studios too!
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