Friday, July 31, 2009

In need of a good luck charm

Today is one of the unfortunate days in life and hopefully this won’t be a continuous series. It has been bad enough until 11.30 pm on 30/07/09.

First off, in the midst of yawning and holding a very heavy back pack, my hand phone fell off my lap as I got out of the car. *I suspect*

It is still all good when I realize it. After all, the phone is in very bad condition and needed to be change. The only reason I am still keeping  it is sentimental values for my personal belonging which has been on my side for the past 1 1/2 years. So, I was just waiting for its days to end.

Without much whining, I continue to my work. As I joyfully skip out of the office after a long tiring day, I bang my head onto the ceiling. No, it’s not what you think! *I wasn’t wearing heels* For a good 15 seconds, I was screaming in silence with my knees on the floor and hands on top on my skull. OUCH~! I can still feel the lump now.

Fine. Wishing I could go home and stay away from all hazardous environment. I got back to my car at the best traffic jam hour, 5.30 pm. *Contemplating* Shall I just drive home straight in the midst of massive traffic jam or shall I stay put here in town?

Well, I decided to go for a movie alone. I can skip the traffic and stay away from accident. What are the chances of getting hurt in a cinema where I sit down peacefully through the traffic jam hours.

In my mind, I was thinking:

  • Choice 1: Public Enemies by Johnny Depp
  • Choice 2: Overheard by Daniel Woo

WHAT?! One showing only at midnight and the other has only front rows. FINE! I told the ticketing counter to get me any English movie starting soon with a decent seat for one, preferably no one AROUND, thank you. Yeay, he was very nice to get me separated from everyone =D

Once I got into the cinema, oh…I’m watching Ghost of Girlfriends Past by Matthew McConaughey. NO GOOD~! Chick flick movie never fails to make my cry. And tears doesn’t really compliment my smoky eyes makeup. FINE~! I can live with smear makeup. I sit down and watch the movie with an open mind.

The movie is about Matt (Connor), a player who believes love makes a person weak, dependent and fat. He is visited by the ghosts of his former jilted girlfriends, who take him on a revealing and hilarious odyssey through his failed relationships. Well, I was wrong. I could get hurt in the cinema. Mentally hurt. Connor points out the one thing I fear and happened to my previous relationship. I’m afraid of being hurt, therefore I escape before I could get hurt.

Sad and stupid it might sound but I do have the tendency to sabotage/breakup my relationship previously. I live in my own fairytale land where I believe one day, I’ll find ‘the one’ who never gives up on me, appreciates my effort for the relationship and most importantly, loves me. And like wise, I’ll do the same to him.

Naive, I know. But, I have faith.

Two pieces of tissues soaked with my tears after 1 1/2 hours. Expressionless, I just walked aimlessly around town for an hour. Confused, shaken and lost. Then, I remembered. Someone might be looking for me. Quickly, I hurried home and switch on my computer. There it is. I am here and back.