Monday, May 25, 2009

May – my month

Five – 5 has always been my favorite number but lately those things that I thought will be my lucky chance with the label 5 turns out to be very disappointing.

Today, the 25th.

My car door handle broke when I was heading to class. Well, I had to hold on to the car handle and drive slow so that I won’t get flung out of the car. The problem now is I’m thinking of how and where can I fix it without alerting my family. I’ve given enough problem lately, don’t think it is the best time for me to voice out any imperfections.

I had the almost perfect relationship (at least I thought so)  but I ruined it by complaining over small matters which doesn’t really matter. I guess this teaches me a lesson on how to handle relationships better in the future.

My best friend just lost someone really close to her, forever.

But still, there is something to celebrate about in my month. The toughest time, weird too (haven’t experience it in 2 years), my friends are around to support me. Thanks, guys!

Every morning I wake up telling myself to appreciate the people and things around me more. I can’t afford to lose anyone, anymore.

Lesson learned: never again to say irresponsible words. There is not turning back! Now, I should learn how to love myself and think of a way to fix my car handle. images


CCM said...

You need food therapy.. :)