Thursday, May 1, 2008

World Press Freedom Day

Well, we have Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984 that states publishes and owners of printing presses must have licenses from the Home Ministry. Publishers must also renew their licenses every year. Licensing of the media has been seen as a violation of the right to free speech and Malaysia stands out prominently as a recalcitrant especially when in many countries in the region everyone is free to publish newspaper.

Thus, is it welcome news that the ministry for a start, is looking at the possibility of doing away with the annual renewal of licenses of the country’s over regulated media. Therefore Malaysians will have more transparency in their information.

Just a highlight of recent incident regarding media licensing.

  • Makkal Osai loses license.
    • The Home Ministry has rejected an application for renewal of the publishing license of Tamil daily, Makkal Osai.
    • License has been restored, thanks to readers and media colleagues supports.

Last year, the Tamil Daily reportedly published on its front page this picture of Jesus with a cigarette in one hand and a beer can in another, captioned “if a person repents of his mistakes, then heaven awaits him.” Well, the Home Minister did not state any reason for not renewing the license but I personally think this might be one of the reasons.

What? workshops on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Information
Sat - Towards an Ethical Media forum
Sun - Media Law Reform forum
Who? World Press Freedom Day by the Centre for Independent Journalism
When? May 3 + 4, 12.30-2.00pm
Where? The Annexe @ Central Market, Jalan Hang Kasturi Kuala Lumpur
Why? in conjunction with the World Press Freedom Day and Art for Grabs - Now Everyone Can Afford Art!
How? by offering you more than you can grab, with arty delights filling up two whole galleries, the loft and both studios too!