Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Water ???

Due to my recent healthy lifestyle, I started drinking water more than ever and I discovered…

These days, ordering water in a restaurant can be as complicated as ordering a five-course meal. Why?

  • Tap or bottled?
  • Mineral or spring?
  • Still or sparkling?

I just go like…’Err, just get me a room temperature drinking water, thanks.’ Gosh, how many choice more are they. And not all places serves Evian anymore because of the conspiracy. 

According to Morales, the no-Evian clause is a holdover from years ago, when a rumor started circulating that the radiation cloud from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster blew straight from Ukraine to Evian's water source in France.

E! News

So, I stick to Spritzer, which is available almost everywhere, and green is associated to environment.

Speaking of environment, do you know you can save more space in the bin if you squeeze the bottle like this? Just open the cap and squeeze it down onto a flat surface and screw the cap back.



And it is easier to send for recycling too. So, start squeezing! (Warning: It might cause some sound effect when doing it, so please don’t do it during meeting/class/cinema ya!)


Have you drink your 8 glasses (2 liter) of water today? Go, gulp a glass now!